Tuesday 25 January 2011

Title Sequence Analysis: The Grudge

This opening is 3 minutes long.
This is my second opening analysis and I've chosen to study the Grudge.
Like Thirteen Ghosts, my first study this film opens with the Columbia Pictures logo with slow, slightly creepy music.The screen then goes black and the second credits come up which are the production company, Ghost House Productions. With this film being a supernatural horror, the music and the appearance of the ghost house production logo sequence.
Unlike Thirteen ghosts, The Grudge has an opening involving words.
Every time words come up and fade away a single word remains making the opening more interesting. Along with the writing , creepy music is being played.

This happens for 1:03 minutes. Then opens to roads, bridges and traffic noises.
This then continues to a man looking out at the view, at this point it doesn't give any feeling that something will happen. A close up of this face determines something is bothering him and makes the audience wonder what he is thinking or is going to do. His partner speaks to him but remains silent, this starts to build tension up for the audience because of his strange behavior.

His behavior also suggests that he doesn't know what he's going or doesn't understand something.
Then out of the blue he throws himself off the balcony. This gives the audience the idea that something strange is going on. Before hand an impression from his partner suggested that there were no problems.

A useful way of cinematography is used here, as the man has just jumped to his death the camera is used to allow the audience to see what he is seeing when he is falling to his death.

This is the view that his partner see's when she runs to the window. When the audience see a chose up of her face, they get the impression of confusion. 'Why did he do that?'
As the shot is playing weird creepy music is being played over the top of the partner's heavy breathing.

Camera movement is then used to show the audience how far he fell by trailing his falling pattern.
The camera comes down and pan's over to the body, capturing the crowd collecting not far from his body.
While this is happening the strange sounds are still being played.
Once the dead body is shown the music gets louder and dims into a black screen where 'Sam Raimi and Columbia Pictures Present', now with eery watery sounds playing in the background, still with strange sounds.

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