Tuesday 15 February 2011

Evaluation - Closing Post

Blog is now complete, there might be areas that are unfinished because of technology problems.

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Planning and preparation is very important when creating a film opening from the beginning, especially when the film has never existed. Storyboarding is very important as well because it is the basic idea of what I want the opening to look like. Getting an actress, location, costumes and props was easier then I anticipated.

Organisation of time could have been better. Myself and my partner were meant to film over the Christmas period but I came down with flu so my partner filmed last minute and the filming was all right but slightly rushed.
But later we had to film again because some of our key footage would not work on the college software very well. This is when we changed our idea and got something better.

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I used a wide range of technology to create my horror opening from a mobile phone to editing software.

To start with, I've used Blogger from the beginning. I've used this site publish all my work on alongside other bits of class work. Then through out the project I have used computers with Premiere Pro CS5 for all editing, Cameras for storyboarding and still shots, a video camera to capture all the material I needed and Facebook, the social networking site where I hosted my audience research along with Google for standard images.

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

The film opening certainly gives the audience a sense of reality and with more technology and higher funding this would probably make the film seem real.
Our target audience was a young age group who enjoy watching horror films. The opening, in my opinion is appropriate for my target audience. The ending if left open for anything to be added and developed.
I wanted the audience to be really drawn in so I created the opening with a lot of enigmas so it would really make them want to see more.
From the audience feedback, the majority wanted to see the whole film. The mysteries of what was in the house and what happened to the girl really gave the right suspense.
The audiences emotional response was more than i expected. They were really drawn in when the scream occurred in the last scene.
The audience definitely recognized the genre from the beginning of the opening. Everything about the opening gave the audience the idea 'horror'. The name, the opening sound, how the montage was put together, the definition of the name and most certainly the creepy noses and the screams.
The feedback that I've received certainly gives the feeling of a successful film opening and the audience want to see more. The audience took a preferred reading. They read and understood the text in the way i wanted them to.

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My media product is aimed at a young audience ranging from 18s to early/late 20s. Possibly over if an older audience prefers horror films to others

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

As my chosen genre for the film opening was horror i had to consider how the characters were represented. For my opening, my character is represented as the helpless victim, typically found in the majority of today's horror movies. It is very stereotypical that the character that dies or disappears is a young helpless female.

The way I have presented the character sends the right messages to the audience, allowing them to understand she is the main character that its a horror opening. These messages were created through costume, the character wears normal every day clothes, suggesting she isn't a wealthy person with posh attire. Clearly from the footage, our character doesn't give any indication of occupation or how she acts outside of home but her behaviour does show that shes a nice girl living on her own. The location isn't really seen in the opening just it is slightly isolated from a village which, if in the video would add a bit more atmosphere.

My video certainly represents a dominant representation of female victims . As I have said, the way I have focused the video The sound that I have used makes the female seem very isolated and alone especially with no indication of the female character living with anyone.
The video starts off with a montage of the characters house. With how I did the cinematography makes her house seem creepy and gives it a feel that something is there.
Straight after this clip then comes a dead fish in a stagnant pond. I only found this by chance but along side the previous clip adds tension and gives the idea of death. This links into the stereotypical idea of a vulnerable female as it  gives the audience

Friends who have viewed the video already have commented on how the music really emphasizes the creepy atmosphere.

Evaluation Question 1

'In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop, or Challenge Forms and Conventions.'
The title of my film opening is 'Purgatory'. It means a temporary condition of torment or suffering. I thought this title would suit our genre and opening ideas.
Use of genre conventions in the film opening consist of the use of mise-en-scene where we have the use of montage to create an atmosphere for the audience.

This is an example of the montage I created. There are many other images from the opening that could create the atmosphere that I've been looking for such as the creepy house I use at the beginning of the opening.

These ideas are similar to the opening in the grudge.

Our narrative also helps develop the conventions of our chosen genre as we have the typical story line lone female victim.
Paige, Our female victim (Left)
Female victim from the Grudge (Right)

The structure of our opening compared to others is rather similar. We build tension from the beginning using P.O.V, Close ups followed by the shock of the scream at the end.
Our film opening did'nt challange the forms and conventions of real media products because of how we presented our chosen genre. Horror films need tension the beginning to draw the audience in more. Which is exactly what we did.

‘Final Production Video'

Sunday 13 February 2011

Research and Planning Script - Character says no more than 5 words

"Hello Puss"

Opens bedroom door "Hello... Hello"


research and planning: Synopsis

Anna comes home from work, think's everything is the same but then hears a creepy sound coming from upstairs. She goes to investigate and finds herself under attack by an unknown assailant.

Research and Planning:Time Plan

Casting: We chose our actress quite quickly after are planning began. But we wanted to get a actress at least by Christmas so we could record over the holidays

Location: Find the location was quick because our actress lives near a creepy looking graveyard and strange and creepy looking houses and abandoned areas. We were able to find this location at least 2 weeks before the Christmas holidays began

Rehearsing: First rehearse took place on Wednesday  1st of December at 4'clock at the found location, Another on the 8th of December and the of December.

Film: Filming took place between 19th of December ( first part of filming ), none filmed over 24/25/26th of December, continued filming on 28th and 29th for a short period and finished filming Wednesday 5th of January.

Editing: Editing started 13th of January, editing took a long time due to technical problems, finished editing on the Friday 4th of January. During this the technology didn't allow us to use some of what we filmed so between the beginning of the editing and the deadline we re-filmed a lot of our work.

Research and Planning: Audience Research

A typical audience  for the film will be between 15 and 25, generally male but perhaps female, middle class, perhaps a student educated to A level. One word to sum up my audience might be 'individualistic'. A typical audience member for my film might spend their spare time doing things such as going to live music events, surfing the web, studying, and might be a film fanatic. I imagine my typical audience may be drinkers, perhaps smokers, who enjoy socialising and reading.
Male: 70%

Female: 30%
Age Group: 16-25

Clothes: Attitude, Darkside, Phaze.
Shoes: Converse, Doc Martens, Babychams. 
Alcohol: Cider, Spirits, Beer.

Avenged Sevenfold, Breaking Benjamin, Bullet for my valentine, creed, Disturbed, Escape the fate, Evans blues, Five Finger Death Punch ect

Film and T.V.:
Film: The Grudge, Saw (1-7), Donnie Darko, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Shining, The Ring, The Mist, IT, The Others, Hostel, Final Destination. 

T.V:  Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Ghost Whisperer, True Blood, Being Human, Heroes.


The mainly aimed at males, aged 16-25

The film will be aimed at C1, C2 and D Psycho-graphic

Mainstreamers: people who don’t like to be different but are conventional in their tastes and aspirations

·   Traditionalists: people who don’t like change and are very
       set in their ways
     Hedonists: people who just want to have a good time
Individualists: people who want to stand out from the crowd
       and like to think for themselves

· Rebels: people who don’t want to conform but challenge the traditional way of doing things.

The film will be aimed at Rebels, Hedonists and Individualists.

Research and Planning typical features of the chosen genre - pictures and sound

Research and Planning: Animatic

Research and Planning: Genre Theory

Neale says that 'genres are instances of repetition and difference'. He also says 'difference is absolutely essential to the economy of genre'.

Genre films use conventions. This is typical of narrative, technical features, sound, cinematography, editing and mise en scene. And iconography. But uses various combinations with different genres and unusual characters.

For a horror film i looked at Thirteen ghosts which is basically a violent haunting story. In this film everything is typical of a horror film. There is blood, creepy music, scary images, screaming, death. Although the only thing that is different are the conventions for female victim dies first - in almost every horror there is a female victim that dies first, this is what has always occurred in this particular genre. But the first victim is male and throughout the film there is male victims, and only one female dies which normally doesn't occur in horror films.