Tuesday 15 February 2011

Evaluation Question 1

'In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop, or Challenge Forms and Conventions.'
The title of my film opening is 'Purgatory'. It means a temporary condition of torment or suffering. I thought this title would suit our genre and opening ideas.
Use of genre conventions in the film opening consist of the use of mise-en-scene where we have the use of montage to create an atmosphere for the audience.

This is an example of the montage I created. There are many other images from the opening that could create the atmosphere that I've been looking for such as the creepy house I use at the beginning of the opening.

These ideas are similar to the opening in the grudge.

Our narrative also helps develop the conventions of our chosen genre as we have the typical story line lone female victim.
Paige, Our female victim (Left)
Female victim from the Grudge (Right)

The structure of our opening compared to others is rather similar. We build tension from the beginning using P.O.V, Close ups followed by the shock of the scream at the end.
Our film opening did'nt challange the forms and conventions of real media products because of how we presented our chosen genre. Horror films need tension the beginning to draw the audience in more. Which is exactly what we did.

1 comment:

  1. This needs more detail and some images or video clips - you should compare some stills or clips from your film with some stills or clips from real films, to show what conventions you've used or challenged. A Prezi or Powerpoint is a good way to do this
