Tuesday 15 February 2011

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

The film opening certainly gives the audience a sense of reality and with more technology and higher funding this would probably make the film seem real.
Our target audience was a young age group who enjoy watching horror films. The opening, in my opinion is appropriate for my target audience. The ending if left open for anything to be added and developed.
I wanted the audience to be really drawn in so I created the opening with a lot of enigmas so it would really make them want to see more.
From the audience feedback, the majority wanted to see the whole film. The mysteries of what was in the house and what happened to the girl really gave the right suspense.
The audiences emotional response was more than i expected. They were really drawn in when the scream occurred in the last scene.
The audience definitely recognized the genre from the beginning of the opening. Everything about the opening gave the audience the idea 'horror'. The name, the opening sound, how the montage was put together, the definition of the name and most certainly the creepy noses and the screams.
The feedback that I've received certainly gives the feeling of a successful film opening and the audience want to see more. The audience took a preferred reading. They read and understood the text in the way i wanted them to.

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